They All Die at the End: The Improvised Play with a Terrible End
Event s 4

They All Die at the End: The Improvised Play with a Terrible End

Organizado por: BIG Improv

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 Ver mapa BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143

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Fasten your corsets and button your breeches for this raucous Regency-era romp through the times and tribulations of a manor house straight out of a Jane Austen novel. But beware, for beneath the surface of elegance and propriety lies a hidden darkness, where the echo of whispers, secrets, and forbidden desires lie in waiting.

Immerse yourself in a world where laughter collides with terror, where light-heartedness meets the macabre. Prepare to be thrilled, enchanted, and horrified in equal measure at the improvised play with a terrible end.

8.00pm Doors & Bar Open

8.30pm Show Starts


12€ online presale

15€ on the door

*30% discount for current students of BIG!

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